Why I love Pilates?
By Connect Health and Fitness - March/2017
I have many reasons to love Pilates, but for now I will just describe the main points that makes Pilates exercises so unique and effective:
It is a Full Body workout
I like to describe Pilates as a Full body workout that focus on your core muscles. Every single Pilates exercise will strengthen the muscles around your spine, while strengthening and stretching other muscles of your body. In my Pilates classes, I try to work in different body positions to ensure that no muscle is neglected. You should leave my classes feeling totally balanced, with a great feeling of spine expansion and stabilization.
It is a Complete Body, Mind & Spirit
The Pilates movement concept also allows you to connect your Body, Mind & Spirit. To perform the exercises you will need to move your body according to your breath. It requires a lot of focus and concentration. Breathing fully, with attention and intention, centres us. It clarifies and calms the mind, reduces stress, and paves the way for a greater, holistic experience. You should leave my Pilates session feeling totally relaxed but yet energised.
It Lengthens your body muscles
In a good Pilates classes you will lengthen the muscles of your body. Lengthening results in leaner muscles, less bulky so your body will have more freedom of movement. This is particular great if you are an athlete and need strong muscles but don’t wish to carry extra muscle weight like you would if you exercised at the gym using weights or equipment.
It performs the Lateral Thoracic Breathing
I usually start my Pilates session teaching my clients the Lateral Thoracic Breathing. Before we start moving our bodies, we should learn how to breathe.
Below is a wonderful quote from Joseph Pilates (the creator of the Pilates method).
"Lazy breathing converts the lungs, literally and figuratively speaking, into a cemetery for the deposition of diseased, dying and dead germs as well as supplying an ideal haven for the multiplication of other harmful germs."
I like to call the Lateral Thoracic Breathing the internal cleansing mechanism. By performing this breathing technique you are getting more oxygen into your body, more nutrients to your cells and helping to clean your blood by getting rid of carbon dioxide. This breathing technique also stimulates your internal organs, including your heart.
Exercising in Neutral Pelvis
‘A man is as young as his spinal column’. I just love this great quote from Joseph Pilates.
That is why after I teach my clients how to perform the Lateral Thoracic Breathing, I spend some time on body awareness, teaching them how to get a Neutral Spine. Learning how to move in a neutral spine can improve postural problems, balance body muscles, reduce body pain, improve body mobility, flexibility and help to prevent injury.
Thank you for reading it and I hope you enjoyed the article :)
Have a great day.