Pilates for Kite Surfers
Kitesurfing is a water surface sport riding on a modified surfboard, similar to a wakeboard, while directing a specially designed kite, using the wind for propulsion.
Kitesurfing, while considered an extreme sport, works out the whole body in an intense, but fairly balanced manner. It can enhance your balance, strengthen your core, and improve coordination and concentration.
That said, and this applies especially to beginners, it is also a highly demanding and dangerous sport, which, without proper training or proprioceptive awareness, holds a risk of amplifying physical imbalances and weaknesses, which can lead to injuries and accidents.
Pilates focuses on many of the aspects strived for in kitesurfing, such as balance, awareness, centering, concentration, control, flow… making the two forms of
exercise a perfect match.
Pilates will help a kite surfer, increase his/her strength and performance and can help prevent injuries.
For further information, please do not hesitate in contact us.