Pilates for Football Players
Many soccer players experience hamstring strains and injuries through the course of their career. It is important that a Pilate’s training plan include both exercises for this area as well as the hip adductors. Hip adductor strength and flexibility has shown to be very important for preventing injury in soccer players, as well as for rehabilitation purposes.
The hamstring muscle group consists of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. The hip adductor muscles comprise the gracilis, pectineus, adductor longus, adductor magnus, and adductor brevis.
According to the article from Basi Pilates, Pilates is a very effective and beneficial workout for soccer players.
As with any client, it is important to tailor the focus of the Pilates routine to benefit the individual.
Pilates for the soccer player allows the athlete to continue to work on strong areas as well as bring focus to weak areas and correct muscle imbalances.
Based on the common movement patterns and possible injuries a soccer player can get, it is vital that a Pilates repertoire focuses on three major factors: building strength and flexibility in the hip adductor muscles, building strength and flexibility in the hamstring muscle group, and building strength and flexibility in the back extensor groups.
Pilates exercises can improve a soccer player’s performance through adding flexibility to tight areas, building strength in often overlooked areas, and injury prevention through strengthening and correct muscle movement patters.
These methods allow a soccer player to increase strength, flexibility, and agility as well as decrease risk of injury.
(Article from
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