Please allow me to remind you that this second, multiplied by 60 is 1 minute. As you know 1 minute multiplied by 60 is 1 hour, 24 hours is 1 day. You can keep going, but the point is take care of your now for a better future.
I made this quiz in order to assist you to evaluate your daily routine.
I kindly ask you to take time to answer these questions.
Always remember to take care of yourself first.
Here they are:
Sleep Quality
Do you think a good night sleep is important?
How is the quality of your sleep? Good, bad, average?
If it is not good, why?
Can anything be done to improve the quality of your sleep?
Do you sleep enough?
Do you have uninterrupted sleep?
Do you sleep naturally or do you use external stimulation before falling asleep sleep, like mobiles, TV, music, book?
Is your bed comfortable?
Are you too warm or too cold at sleep time?
Are you too worried or too tired to sleep?
Are you too alert before sleeping?
Get up
How do you feel when you get up?
Do you feel energised, happy, rested or still tired and moody?
Do you need an alarm clock to wake up?
Do you wake up naturally when you had enough sleep?
What is the first thing you do when you get up?
Do you check the colour of your urine in the morning and through the day?
Do you think your urine colour can tell something you about your hydration?
Do you think your urine should be transparent?
Do you think that the more water you drink, the more transparent your urine would be?
Do you pay attention to your elimination, like how many times, the colour, shape, consistency, odour?
Do you think the conditions of your colon is very important to your overall health?
Do you think that you should eliminate as you eat?
Do you weigh yourself?
Do you think your weight is important to your overall health?
Are you a healthy weight?
If you are under or overweight, are you doing anything to have an optimal weight?
Air Quality
How is the quality of air you breathe most of the day?
Do you go outdoors in nature daily to breathe pure air into your lungs?
If not, why?
Do you think the quality of the air you breathe is important to your health?
Do you think your body needs water?
Do you think it is important to know how much water your body needs?
Do you know how much water you drink daily?
Do you drink water when you are thirsty?
Do you think that water is the best drink you can have?
What do you drink through the day and how much?
If it is not water, do you know what you are drinking, the ingredients and nutritional facts and what it does to your body?
Do you pay attention to what you eat daily?
Do you know the ingredients of the food you are eating?
Do you know the nutritional facts of the food you eat?
Do you know where your food comes from and how it is made?
Are there any ingredients in your food that you do not know what they are?
If yes, do you still eat them?
Do you know how these food are digested in your body?
Do you pay attention how you feel after eating these foods?
Do you pay attention on how and when you eliminate these foods from your body?
Are you able to recognise if certain foods make you constipated, bloated or over/under weight?
Do you combine lots of different types of food together in one meal? Like raw with cooked, raw with fats, different types of fruits with different rates of digestion.
Are you aware of the rate of digestion of the food you eat?
Do you think that eating slow digesting food may make you overweight?
Do you think that eating slow digesting food may have a huge impact on your overall health?
Do you know what slow or fasting digesting foods are?
Do you know which foods make you feel energised or sleepy after you’ve eaten them?
Do you know how your body, your brain, blood pressure, heart, colon, skin react to these foods?
Do you feel thirsty after eating certain meals?
Do you eat when you are hungry or at set times?
Do you know how to recognize when you are hungry or full?
Do you know what percentage of carbohydrates, protein and fat your body needs daily?
Do you know how your body reacts to certain carbs, proteins and fats?
Do you know which are the best carbs, proteins and fats for your body that will give you energy and keep you healthy and in a great shape and weight?
Do you know how many calories you need in a day to maintain, lose or gain weight?
Do you know your body needs in terms of vitamins and minerals?
What do you have for your breakfast?
How do you eat it?
Do you sit down calmly to enjoy it?
If not, why not?
Do you think it is important to take time to have your meals?
Do you chew your food?
Do you talk while you are eating?
Do you play with your phone, talk to others or do other activities while eating?
Do you think what you eat at breakfast and lunch can make a huge difference in your day, like energy levels and mental clarity?
How is your lunch?
How is the quality of the food you are eating at lunch time?
Do you work?
Do you think it is important to work?
How many hours do you work a day?
Do you wish to work less or more hours a day?
If yes, how does your mind feel during and after work?
Are you passionate about your job?
Do you like your work colleagues?
Do you need to commute long hours to work?
Is your salary fair?
How does your body feel during and after work?
Do you bring awareness to your stress levels before, during and after work?
Do you bring awareness to your body and posture before, during and after work?
How is your focus and distraction levels at work?
Is your day full of unnecessary interruptions or can you work smoothly and get things done?
Do you take breaks during work to stretch your body, to go to the bathroom, to drink water, get fresh air, eat a little snack and fulfil your basic needs?
Do you think if your basic needs are fulfilled you could be more productive?
Do you think that if you got rid of unnecessary distractions the quality of your day could improve overall and the stress levels could be reduced?
Do you take time off work? Do you have holidays?
Do you rest on your holidays?
Do you think exercising daily is important for your overall mental and physical health?
Do you exercise? How often? How long?
Do you bring awareness to your body while exercising?
Do you enjoy the exercise?
How are your joints and muscles before/during/after exercising?
Do you feel great, too tired or any pain during or after exercising?
How is your posture before/during/after exercising?
Do you exercise when you are sick? Or too tired?
How are your learning capabilities?
Do you like learning new things from time to time?
Do you like challenging yourself?
Would you be prepared to learn something new about how your body works?
Do you take time daily to relax or unwind?
Do you take time o have fun on a daily basis?
Do you spend time with your family and friends?
Do you spend time on your own?
Do you award yourself from time to time?
Are you prepared to take time for yourself to relax daily?
Mental wellbeing
Do you have healthy boundaries?
Do you choose your friends carefully?
How open are you to strangers or closed people?
Are you able to say no to people?
How do you feel when people put labels on you?
What actions do you take when people do it?
Do you avoid these people?
Do you bring awareness to your own mental health on a daily basis?
Do you try to relax when you are stressed?
Do you feel pressurized to comply with others needs even though you do not want to?
Do you think that the food you eat can influence your mood?
Do you feel totally responsible for yourself?
How responsible are you for yourself?
Are you self-sufficient?
Are you dependant on others?
Would you be prepared to take full responsibility for your own life?
How responsible are you for others?
Do you take care of yourself before others?
Who takes priority in your day? You or others?
Do you feel responsible for others happiness?
How do you manage your time?
Physical Health
How is your skin? Is it too dry? Hydrated? Clear?
How is your hair?
How are your nails?
How is your overall health?
Excellent, good, average, bad?
Are you always getting infections or sick?
Taking medications or antibiotics?
Do you feel great daily?
How do you feel generally?
Do you know your blood pressure or pulse rate?
Do you trust your doctors?
How do you feel about alternative medicine?
Do you think you and your health are the best investment ever?
Does your health comes before your possessions or others?
Do you think you will be a healthy senior citizen?
If not, why and could anything be done now to improve your future?
Are you responsible for your health?
Would you be willing to take full responsibility for your health?
Do you think you communicate well with others?
How do you speak to others?
Are you polite and respectful to others?
Is your speech clear?
How is your language?
How are the tone and volume of your voice?
Do you respect yourself?
Do you find others respect you?
Do you do your best to make yourself clear?
Do you speak with confidence?
Do you listen and speak to others at the same ratio?
How is your appearance?
How do you present yourself to others?
Do you think appearance is important?
Do you think any of the above questions is irrelevant in your life and why?
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and answer the questions about yourself. I really hope they bring a greater level of consciousness to your life.
Have a great day.
Connect Health and Fitness