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Pilates for Office Workers

Sedentary lifestyles and jobs can contribute to postural dysfunction and cause general aches and pains. It is common for many office workers, or for people who may have to sit a lot in their work, to complain of neck, shoulder and / or low back pain.

With prolonged static postures our trunk muscles can fatigue, our posture can change and the spinal column can then become exposed to unnecessary loading and this can often provoke pain and dysfunction.


For this reason it is recommended that we shouldn’t sit or stay in any one position for more than 20 to 40 minutes at a time. Quite simply our bodies are just not designed to be stationary or sedentary; we are designed to move.

By improving postural awareness, flexibility, motor control and strength a lot of our day-to-day aches and repetitive strains can be overcome.

Pilates is increasingly becoming the treatment of choice to help address these ‘postural dysfunctions’ and for people who generally want to avoid such aches and pains.


Neck pain due to Kyphosis-Lordosis is a common ailment in office workers today. The consistent over-recruitment of neck muscles to support the arms and head and under recruitment of shoulder girdle muscles causes much pain and discomfort, decreasing quality of life and people’s ability to work comfortable.


Because Pilates focuses on balancing the muscle relationships within the body and teaching how to properly support oneself with the correct muscles it is a long term solution to neck pain.


Workers not only strengthen and use the proper muscles but also gain a body awareness they may apply in the future.

For further information, please do not hesitate in contact me Rosane (Hozani).



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