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Bipolar disorder

In the high phase (also referred to as hypomania), someone with bipolar disorder may have huge amounts of energy and feel little need for sleep.



You may think and talk faster than usual, and your thoughts may jump rapidly from one subject to another, making conversation difficult.



You may also have what are called ‘grandiose’ ideas or delusions about your abilities and powers, and a loss of judgement.



People in a high phase can get themselves into all sorts of difficulties that they would normally avoid – they may leave their job, spend money they don’t have, or give away all their possessions.



In a low (or depressive) phase, people feel hopeless, despairing and lethargic, become full of self-blame and self-doubt and have difficulty concentrating.



This can make it difficult to cope with everyday life. You may want to withdraw from friends and social contacts, and may feel suicidal.



Bipolar disorder affects about one in 100 people. The depressive phase usually comes first and about ten per cent of people thought to have pure depression have a manic episode six to ten years later.



About 15% of those who have an episode of mania never experience another.



There are great variations in the pattern of mood swings. Some people have mood swings every few days. Others can have long periods without experiencing problems, and many will hold down demanding jobs.



However, a significant minority can be very disabled by the condition and struggle to hold down a job and cope with daily life.


Cyclothymia, also called cyclothymic disorder, is a less intense version of bipolar disorder, with less extreme highs and lows that can still cause difficulties.



It is not clear what causes bipolar disorder, although genetic inheritance may be important – 10 to 15% of the nearest relatives of people with a bipolar disorder have a mood disorder.



Biochemical changes in the brain – changes in hormone and neurotransmitter levels – have been found to occur during the manic and depressive phases.



Poor parenting and severely stressful life events are also thought to have a role.



The high phase usually comes after two to four depressive episodes. Both phases can include psychotic symptoms, such as delusions (irrational beliefs) and hallucinations (seeing, hearing or smelling things that aren’t apparent to other people).



The spontaneous recovery rate in bipolar disorder is very high – about 90%. The relapse rate, however, is also high.






There are a number of things you can do to help manage depressive phases.

  • Take control. Some people find it helps if they have some control over what happens to them. This helps to guard against the hopelessness associated with depression

  • Make a fresh start. This has been shown to help people recover from long-lasting depression.

  • Set small and manageable goals – this can give you a sense of achievement and make you feel better.

  • Keep in touch with your friends. If you are already depressed you may find it very difficult to be sociable, and this can make you feel more depressed.

  • Keep active. Exercise can be very helpful in counteracting depression.

  • Review your diet. People who are depressed may have low levels of certain essential fatty acids that are found in fish oils.

  • Try self-help techniques – for example, meditation and listening to music.



There are also some things you can do that can help stop you going high.

  • Take control. Be aware of how you are feeling and when you are heading towards hypomania so that you can plan for and reduce the worst effects.

  • Sleeping tablets and tranquillisers may help if taken early on, but be careful not to overdo this.

  • Get plenty of rest, even if you don’t really feel like it.

  • Cancel most of your plans for the next few weeks. The less you have to think about the better.

  • Avoid stimulants, like alcohol, coffee and any kind of recreational drugs.





Depressive episodes, if untreated, last for about six months to one year. On average, someone with bipolar will have five or six episodes over a 20-year period.


With treatment, most depressive episodes clear in about three months, but if treatment is stopped before six months of full recovery, the risk of relapse is doubled.



The depression may also be treated with anti-depressants and talking treatments, such as cognitive behavioural therapy or counselling.

Some people have reported benefits from complementary therapies, such as acupuncture.



The most common treatment during high phases is lithium carbonate, a mood stabilising drug. It is also sometimes prescribed to people with severe depression. High levels of lithium in the blood are dangerous, so anyone taking lithium must have regular blood tests.



Self-management – learning to recognise and self-manage the triggers and warning signs of mood swings can also help you keep your moods more stable.

The article below is from

Everyday Tips for Living With Bipolar Disorder

There’s a lot you can do to help manage your bipolar disorder. Along with seeing your doctor and therapist and taking your medicines, simple daily habits can make a difference.



Start with these strategies.



Set a schedule. Many people with bipolar disorder find if they stick to a daily schedule, it helps them control their mood.



Pay attention to your sleep . This is especially important for people with bipolar disorder. Being sleep-deprived can sometimes trigger mania in those with the condition. It can also be a sign of a flare-up of your symptoms. For instance, just a few nights of less sleep may mean that a manic episode could be coming on. Or if you start to sleep a lot more than normal, it might mean you’re depressed.



Use these tips:

  • Go to sleep and get up at the same times every day.

  • Relax before bed by listening to soothing music, reading, or taking a bath.

  • Don't sit up in bed watching TV or scrolling through your phone.

  • Make your bedroom a calming space.

  • If your sleep patterns start to change, tell your doctor or therapist.



Exercise. It may improve your mood whether or not you have bipolar disorder. And you’ll probably sleep better, too.



If you’re not active now, check with your doctor that you’re healthy enough to get started. Keep it simple at first, such as walking with a friend. Gradually, work up to working out for at least 30 minutes a day on most days of the week.



Eat well. There’s no specific diet for people with bipolar disorder. But just like anyone else, choosing the right kinds of foods can help you feel better and give you the nutrients you need. Focus on the basics: Favour fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. And cut down on fat, salt, and sugar.



Tame stress. Anxiety can worsen mood symptoms in many people with bipolar disorder. So take time to relax.

Lying on the couch watching TV or checking your social media accounts isn't the best way to go.



Instead, try something more focused, like yoga or other types of exercise. Meditation is another good choice. An easy way to do that is to simply focus on your breathing for a few minutes, letting other thoughts come and go without paying them a lot of attention.

You can also listen to music or spend time with positive people who are good company. Make adjustments at home and at work. Are there stressful things in your life that you might be able to change? Whether it’s in your family or on the job, look for solutions.

For instance, could your partner handle more of the chores at home? Might your boss be able to cut down on some of your responsibilities if you’re overloaded? Do what you can to simplify your life and make it easier.



Limit caffeine. It can keep you up at night and possibly affect your mood. So don’t drink a lot of soda, coffee, or tea. And take it easy on chocolate, too, because it has caffeine. You can even cut these items out completely. It’s often best to do that gradually so you don’t get headaches and other signs of caffeine withdrawal.



Avoid alcohol and drugs. They can affect how your medications work. They can also worsen bipolar disorder and trigger a mood episode. And they can make the condition harder to treat. So don’t use them at all.



Bipolar disorder can be a lot to deal with. Many people turn to alcohol or drugs and have a substance abuse problem.

If you think that you have a problem with alcohol or other drugs, get help now. Bipolar treatment may not be enough. Substance abuse often needs its own separate treatment. You may need to tackle both conditions at the same time.

Talk to your doctor or therapist about your options. Look into local substance abuse support groups. Dealing with your alcohol or drug issues is a must for your recovery.

The above article is from

Pilates, a total mind and body workout



We all know that exercise can be beneficial for both body and mind, but what exercises should we be doing for maximum all-round health? ‘Pilates’ says Neil Johnson – fitness exert and celebrity trainer.



Why Pilates?



“Pilates is a total body conditioning system which integrates the mind and body to achieve precision in muscle control, strength and flexibility, we know that Pilates is good for core control and stability.”




Johnson, former backing dancer for the likes of Take That and Boyzone has a great deal of experience in many areas of fitness, but has a real passion for Pilates and the benefits it brings him and the celebrity clients he now trains at the prestigious Chelsea Club.

What can we expect from a pilates programme?



“The Pilates programme aims to increase body strength and tone, working with your own body weight which after all is what we work with on a day to day basis."



In a general Pilates session you will:

  • Strengthen the abdominal and back muscles to stabilise the spine

  • Increase total body strength

  • Improve coordination

  • Develop endurance muscle work

  • Re-educate posture and muscle balance

  • Refine control of movement



The mind benefits



As well as the physical benefits of Pilates there are also great mind and soul rewards from doing Pilates such as:

  • Increase your sense of mastery, which can help if you don't feel in control of your life or mood

  • Release muscle tension through stretching and mobilising

  • Boost those feel-good endorphins.

  • Sleep better at night having expended energy

  • Provide a distraction from your worries.

  • Get rid of built-up stress and frustration.

  • Improve your health and body, which can help lift your mood



“Through my experience as a dancer there is nothing more liberating than to be in control of your body!”

The above article is from

For further information, please do not hesitate in contact us.

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